Sunday, August 19, 2012


I shared in my birthday post a few days ago my desire to "read, read and read some more".  Well I didn't waste any time on that goal and I've signed up for two online book clubs.  The first is a classical book club that will be starting with...(gulp) The Odyssey by Homer.  Truth be told I'm a little intimidated but since my oldest will be starting 7th grade in a few weeks at a school that requires The Odyssey as part of the 7th grade curriculum I must put on a brave face. 

Edie's beautiful blog  life{in}grace  is the home of this classical book club.  I love that she said  "I can hardly even believe the response to the book club. You people are as crazified as I am.  I thought I was the only person I knew who could get so excited about reading The Odyssey.  You validate my nerdiness in the best kinda way."

The second book club I joined at the (In) Courage blog.  When I read the description of the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker I knew it would be a good challenge.  Jen took seven areas of excess in her life (food, wardrobe, media etc...) and made changes over a 7 month period as a experiment with her family.  You can see a really great video promo here.  

My husband thinks its pretty ironic that someone who will NOT read a novel on an e-reader would then sign up for on-line book clubs.  I just tell him the on-line part is a convenience for me but the paper book is an an experience.  As a bookworm I feel I have an  obligation to my dear books to see that they don't go the way of the dinosaur.  
In addition to the 2 book clubs, I have this stack on my nightstand.  Just discovered Tasha Alexander and her historical mysteries, love Kate Morton, have wanted to read Mayflower for years and it seems like a good back to school read, some greats like C.S. Lewis, some practical books on child parenting and yes, even a cookbook I found this summer in North Carolina.  I might be overly ambitious thinking I can get through all this but I will enjoy trying.  

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