Monday, August 20, 2012


One of the motivations for me to return to my blog was to continue the literal counting of blessings that I started through Ann Voskamp's site 2 years ago.  There is something about the process of photographing, describing and sharing one's blessings that helps to redefine what "a life well-lived" really is.  It keeps me counting, aware and accountable for what I've been given.

I'm grateful to continue my list of 1000...

611.  sunsets that look Photoshopped 
612.  summers in the New York countryside
613.  toothy smiles
614.  hair flying
615.  sister secrets
616.  when they still love to dress alike
617.  holiday hair bows
618.  live music
619.  hushpuppies and iced tea
620.  a happy young man
621.  summer camp adventures
622.  new friends
623.  acceptance when you desperately need it
624.  North Carolina beauty
625.  refreshment after a long journey
626.  boys who conquer 
627.  who are silly and skinny and surprisingly tenderhearted
628.  when you can still see the babyface in your baby
629.  sunlight on skin and golden hair
630.  southern beauty that reminds you of your childhood
631.  raindrops on glossy leaves
632.  a husband who knows what you love 
633.  and gives good surprises
634.  chocolate for dinner
635.  cowgirl feet
636.  horse camp
637.  summer's end
638.  teachers you know make a difference
639.  new school shoes, backpacks, and pencils
640.  fresh starts


1 comment:

Stefanie Brown said...

Love, love, love your list! What a happy and loving family. Seeing your adventures puts a smile on my face.

Happy Multitudes on Mondays...