Tuesday, February 2, 2010


2010 BOOKLIST DISCLAIMER  The author of this blog does not guarantee that entire booklist will be completed in the 2010 calendar year.  Nor does she guarantee that she will be able to get through a chapter of any of the above books without being interrupted by fighting children, emergency dog clean-ups or the occasional pot boiling over.  The author reserves the right to add new books to the list as she sees fit.  The author also understands that there are books in this pile that she needs to read and books that she would rather read and will make every attempt to give each book the respect it deserves.

1.  Persuasion by Jane Austen  I love Jane Austen.  This was her last completed novel.  If you haven't given her a chance you should.  There's so much humor and cleverness in her writing.
2.  The Strong Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson  The title says it all.  This will be my 3rd reading.
3.  Ruth by Elizabeth Gaskell A contemporary of Charlotte Bronte and a new author for me.  I fell in love with the characters of a PBS miniseries based on her Cranford book and was delighted to find she has several novels.
4.  Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig I've read Gone With the Wind, and a "sequel"  called Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley.  This may be my fun summer read.
5.  Thornfield Hall: Jane Eyre's Hidden Story by Emma Tennant  I know I'm a little heavy on the English Lit.  but I LOVE the style.  This is another "sequel" by a contemporary author.  
6.  The Joyful Christian by C.S. Lewis  It's been a while since I have read any of his books (except the Narnia series that I have enjoyed with the kids)  This book says it is "127 devotional readings, selected from Lewis's many works on faith"  
7.  Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry by Dr. Todd Cartmell With 4 kids in this household I need this book.
8.  Eyes at the Window by Evie Miller I bought this at a yard sale.  It is a mystery set in an Amish community.  I'll let you know.
9.  God Grew Tired of Us by John Bul Dau This is a memoir of one of the Lost Boys of Sudan.  I know this will be a heavy read but also a story of hope and faith.
10.  London by Edward Rutherford It's not in the photo and is technically from the 2009 list.  I promise it's a good book but I am so ready for it to be over.  I'm on page 554 of 829.  I think I can, I think I can...

I love books.  What are you reading?


Stacy said...

Already Gone, by Ken Ham
Add it to your list Misty. Put it at the top.
Frightening what is happening, as youth mass exodus the church...

PatP said...

Love your blog, Misty! Thought I'd post a comment about books -- two authors I've recently discovered are Santa Montefiore and Dorothy Whipple, both English. I know you'd enjoy them! Keep up the good work!

Jenny said...

I'm reading (in a ddition to my Lenten reading)
~Wild Things
the art of nurturing boys
~The Ministry of Motherhood
~Heartfelt Discipline
~The Temperment God Gave You
(getting ready to start at a book club at church, my first book club!)

I am being encouraged to read Jane Austen by our Deacon who wrote his thesis on her writings.