Monday, December 20, 2010


The 8th Day of Christmas

It has been a while since I listed my gifts here.  Not because I have stopped noticing them, but because they come flowing so abundantly - gifts both small and large, gifts wrapped in beautiful packages and in plain paper bags, gifts from God delivered by loved ones and strangers alike.  Received in small daily moments and in big events.

441.  the Christmas season
442.  colored lights
443.  Christmas tea
444.  chocolate with tea
445.  while wrapping presents by the fire
446.  new best friends
447.  BFF twin lockets
448.  finding a friend when you need one
449.  ice skating shows
450.  beautiful costumes
451.  disco balls 
452.  a grandmother who can name all the jumps and spins
453.  homemade wrapping paper with children's handprints, stamps and crayon pictures
454.  gorgeous foil papers and satin ribbons
455.  silly dog  paper picked out by my 4 year old
456.  knowing that no matter how it was wrapped,  it was given in love
457.  volunteering at the school Christmas shop
458.  seeing what 1st - 5th graders will pick out for their families
459.  hearing the excitement when they describe their purchases
460.  helping them wrap their gifts
461.  new Christmas dresses
462.  smocking
463.  red sparkle shoes 
464.  a sermon about your gift to God
465.  hearing your child sing out Joy To the World 
466.  great big breakfasts with fried potatoes, and bacon
467.  asking the Wal-Mart cashier how her day is and listening to her Christmas plans
468.  the generosity of parents
469.  a great gift
470.  the joy and surprise on the recipient's face
471.  the feeling you get when someone really loves what you give them
472.  school parties
473.  reading  a silly Christmas story to a roomful of 2nd graders wearing pajamas
474.  sitting by the fire and the Christmas tree in the early morning quiet contemplating gifts
475.  the indescribable Gift
476.  the gift of Christ without whom all other gifts would be meaningless
477.  the fact that LOVE came down at Christmas to live among us
478.  Mary who "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart"  (Luke 2:19)

Lord, this season may we be like Mary and treasure up all these things.


Erin @ Wild Whispers said...

478. Mary who "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19)

AMEN sister!!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful list. Yes, to be like Mary and treasure up each gift! Amen!

Maria said...

A very blessed Christmas to you and your family, Misty ~
love all the blessings and the beautiful photos~