Monday, February 15, 2010


The air is cold,
the sky is gray,
the snow is old and crusty.

At this time of year we look for the light and lean toward the warmth.

the list of thankfulness continues...

13.  a hot mug of Earl Gray tea
14.  hot chocolate 
15.  heads covered in hand knit warmth
16.  the warm glow of the lamp at my desk
17.  a crackling fire
18.  warm fuzzy slippers
19.  the light breaking through the cold dark morning
20.  finding the sunny spots to share

21.  warm cookies
22.  flannel sheets
23.  snuggling on the couch to watch the Olympics
24.  a home with an efficient heating system
25.  heated seats in my car

Thank you Lord for filling our hearts and our homes with warmth and light.


Anonymous said...

It's a cold, gray day here - thanks for the great list - feeling warmer already! -Amy B.

Jennifer said...

Lovely list! Finding sunny spots to share... I love that photo. Thanks for sharing.
