Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today, after coming home from church, we worked on a few things.

I worked on this while on my couch.  It's a really interesting book but I've been reading it for months.

Then I worked on this while watching HGTV, on my couch.  It's a vest I'm making for my oldest and it's almost finished!

Peanut sat next to the couch and worked on this.

The boys worked on this, while staying far away from my couch.

Next,  I need to work on the pile of laundry on my couch so I can stretch out this evening and watch the new version of Emma airing on PBS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so happy you invited me to read your blog! I have ALWAYS loved your sense of style and your creativity!!! LOVED the kids dancing and laughing and all your pics, especially the kids on the snow-covered road! I already added your blog to my "favorites" and can't wait to read more!!! Love, Amy